Volumina Jurassica 2024-09-03T08:11:08+00:00 Hubert WIERZBOWSKI Open Journal Systems <h3 class="ng-binding ng-scope">ISSN: 1896-7876, E-ISSN 1731-3708 | Scopus (Cite Score 2022-2.7) | MNiSW: 40</h3> <p><em>Volumina Jurassica </em>is a peer-reviewed international geological journal edited by the Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute and the Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, and supported by the International Subcommission on Jurassic Stratigraphy (ISJS) of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), devoted to publication of original research papers on all aspects of the Jurassic System including its boundaries with the Triassic and Cretaceous. The editors of the journal are scientists who study the Jurassic System and are from both editorial institutions. The editorial advisory board represents an international assemblage of specialists who are well known experts in different fields of the Jurassic System, including those which closely concern the ISJS – thus ensuring a close relationship between the editorial policy of the journal and the activities of that international organization. The journal is intended to be an international forum for the exchange of information on the Jurassic System all over the World.</p> <p>The history of the journal began in 2003 when it was originally established under the name <em>Tomy Jurajskie</em>, changed afterwards (since 2006) into <em>Volumina Jurassica</em>, and edited at that time by the Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw. Since 2010 the journal has been edited by both institutions, and has established a close relationship with the Subcommission on Jurassic Stratigraphy of IUGS.</p> <p><em>Volumina Jurassica</em> publishes both original research articles and reviews – special papers presenting a comprehensive analysis of material previously published. As well as these peer reviewed contributions, <em>Volumina Jurassica</em> publishes short notes detailing the progress in the activities of the working groups of ISJS, especially relating to recognition of the GSSP-s of the stages, discussions, book-reviews, reports and other short notes. These appear in the part of the journal called “News and Reviews” – which although indexed in the volume and revised and corrected (if necessary) by editors, are not peer reviewed.</p> <p><em>Volumina Jurassica</em> is published once or twice a year. It is thus a yearly publication, edited in one or two parts per year, depending of the number of manuscripts submitted. The language of the journal is English. The journal provides immediate open access to its content. It is published in a printed version and on-line. The on-line version (since 2011) is original. <em>Volumina Jurassica</em> is abstracted and indexed in: Scopus, BazTech, BIOSIS previews, Index Copernicus, Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts, Biosis Previews and Geological Bibliography of Poland.</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>Special issue 2024</strong></span></p> <p><strong>We are pleased to announce the forthcoming 2024 special issue of the Volumina Jurassica journal (edited by J. Grabowski and S. P. Hesselbo), which is devoted to the memory of prof. Grzegorz Pieńkowski, who passed away in April 2023. </strong></p> <p>Prof. Grzegorz Pieńkowski was an internationally recognized geologist and an authority in studies of epicontinental Lower Jurassic deposits of central and NW Europe. His wide-ranging scientific interest included sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, palaeoclimatology, ecology of the trace fossils and popularization of geotourism. He participated in several domestic and international projects, including the IGCP project entitled “Marine and non-marine global correlation and major geological events”. The main field of his research, in the last few years, was international cooperation within the Early Jurassic Earth System and Timescale (JET) project based on study of Lower Jurassic cores from the United Kingdom. The last but unfinished study of Grzegorz Pieńkowski was devoted to newly-discovered dinosaur foot tracks from Borkowice near Przysucha in central Poland. He published nearly 200 research papers and was, until the last moment, an employee of the Polish Geological Institute–National Research Institute.</p> <p>We invite all the scientists involved in studies of the Jurassic System (especially the Lower Jurassic) to submit manuscripts of research papers on this subject to the special issue of Volumina Jurassica journal. The authors are requested to follow the instructions provided in the authors guidelines (see: <a href=""></a>). The deadline for submitting manuscripts for the special issue is <strong>15 July 2024</strong>. All the manuscript shall be evaluated according to the standard editorial procedure including reviewing by two independent reviewers, and final decision-making by the responsible editor. See the author guidelines for details of the required preparation of manuscripts.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"> </p> <table style="height: 44px;" border="1" width="88" cellpadding="20" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="4"> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Geoscience e-Journals</a></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p style="text-align: justify;"><a href=";siteid=geosciences" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Previous</a></p> </td> <td> <p style="text-align: justify;"><a href=";siteid=geosciences" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Random</a></p> </td> <td> <p style="text-align: justify;"><a href=";siteid=geosciences" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Next</a></p> </td> <td> <p style="text-align: justify;"><a href=";siteid=geosciences" target="_blank" rel="noopener">List</a></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p> </p> <p><a href="">Register</a></p> Suevisphinctes – a new perisphinctid ammonite genus from the Lower Tithonian (Hybonotum Zone) of Southern Germany 2024-09-03T08:11:08+00:00 Armin SCHERZINGER Günter SCHWEIGERT Horacio PARENT István FŐZY <p>A new Upper Jurassic perisphinctid ammonite genus, Suevisphinctes (type species: Suevisphinctes josefkelleri nov. gen., nov. sp.), is established. At present, it is recorded from the laisackerensis biohorizon (Early Tithonian, Hybonotum Zone, Rueppellianus Subzone) of SW Germany. A historical ammonite specimen of supposed Tithonian age from the Polish Klippen of Iskrzyczyn may be assigned to Suevisphinctes as well and thus indicates a possible Tethyan origin of this enigmatic genus.</p> 2024-09-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 News and Reviews – Axel von Hillebrandt (1933–2024) 2024-07-03T12:21:01+00:00 Alberto Carlos Riccardi <p>.</p> 2024-07-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Volumina Jurassica The first records of Pictonautilus Branger, 2004 (Cephalopoda: Nautiloidea) from the Upper Bathonian – ? Lower Callovian (Middle Jurassic) of Germany and Poland 2024-07-02T07:17:04+00:00 Günter Schweigert Tim Haye Iwan Stössel <p>The rare Middle Jurassic nautilid genus Pictonautilus Branger, 2004 is reported for the first time from Upper Bathonian strata of SW Germany and from Upper Bathonian – ? Lower Callovian beds of S Poland. The new specimens can be assigned to the type species P.&nbsp;verciacensis (Lissajous, 1923) and point to a larger maximum size than previously expected. Although the new findings expand the geographic range of this genus, its phyletic origin remains unknown. From its original description and illustration, Nautilus (Paracenoceras) wilmae Jeannet, 1951, from the Lower Callovian of Switzerland, was suspected to represent another species of Pictonautilus. After study of the holotype, however, this taxon is considered a junior subjective synonym of “Paracenoceras” calloviense (Oppel, 1857). Another specimen from the Lower Callovian of SW Germany cited as Nautilus (Paracenoceras) wilmae Jeannet, 1951 was misidentified and represents the first hitherto recognized record of the dwarfish Paracenoceras dorsoexcavatum (Parona, Bonarelli, 1895) from Europe besides the holotype from Savoy.</p> 2024-07-02T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Volumina Jurassica Summary of a decade of research at the Owadów–Brzezinki Lagerstätte (Tithonian, central Poland): A review and perspectives for the future 2024-03-21T12:00:22+00:00 Błażej Błażejowski Łukasz Weryński Andrzej Wierzbowski Monika Michalska Krzysztof Hryniewicz Alfred Uchman Stanisław Kugler Paweł Bącal Aleksandra Hołda-Michalska For over ten years, the Lower to Upper Tithonian boundary beds cropping out in the Owadów–Brzezinki quarry have yielded numerous fossils of ammonites, bivalves, brachiopods, xiphosurans, decapods, insects, and vertebrates – including actinopterygian fishes and various reptiles and others, all of which exhibit fine preservation of their anatomical details due to special environmental conditions during their fossilization. The Owadów–Brzezinki section is also important for stratigraphical correlations because it contains ammonite faunas indicative of the NE European and NW European Subboreal zonal schemes, as well as Tethyan calpionellids. The whole faunal assemblage, which represents taxa of many iconic groups of Mesozoic animals, has created the opportunity to establish the ‘Owadów–Brzezinki geopark’, a geoeducation area where the public, and especially the young, can learn about the beauty of the natural history of the region. 2024-03-20T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Volumina Jurassica Development and chronology of the Late Jurassic shallow-water carbonate deposits of the Holy Cross Mountains area, central Poland 2024-03-05T11:21:19+00:00 Andrzej WIERZBOWSKI The Late Jurassic shallow-water carbonates with intervening clayey-marly deeper-water deposits in the Holy Cross Mts. area formed over large bank of the elevated part of the Northern Tethyan Shelf during about 12 myr. They comprise three main successions (I, II and III) deposited partly in different environmental conditions, controlled by tectonic and climatic factors, and still preserved in the north-eastern margin, the north-western margin and the south-western margin of the Holy Cross Mountains. The history of sedimentation is presented according to the concept of the large tectono-stratigraphic units COK, LUK and KVB, which owe their origin to variable rates of tectonic subsidence, as introduced by Kutek (1994) for the area of central Poland. The studied deposits of the COK megasequence corresponding to the Upper Oxfordian and the Lower Kimmeridgian up to the Hypselocyclum Zone consist of coral limestones, various grained (including oolitic) limestones, and micritic limestones formed over the gradually enlarging shallow-water carbonate platform of the Holy Cross Mts. This platform was subsequently subdivided into two elevated areas, separated by a depressed zone in the middle, bounded by the Nowe Miasto–Iłża–Bałtów Fault Zone in the north-east and the Holy Cross Fault System in the south. The younger megasequence LUK with it strongly transgressive character marks the successive stages of the marine transgression which entered the central, lowered part of the area of the Holy Cross Mts. from the west, where it appeared already in the early Hypselocyclum Chron. It successively spread across the Holy Cross Mts. area towards the north-east and south bringing everywhere the deposition of various oyster lumachelles and marls with ammonites at the end of the Hypselocyclum Chron and during the Divisum Chron of the Early Kimmeridgian to the Acanthicum/Mutabilis Chron of the earliest Late Kimmeridgian. The following megasequence KVB is represented by the detrital lumachelles and chalky limestones with nereineids of the Eudoxus Chron of the Late Kimmeridgian marking the development of still younger shallow-water carbonate platform in the uplifted areas in the north-eastern and possibly the south-western margins of the mountains, allegedly subdivided by a deeper area of sedimentation of marly deposits. The youngest Late Jurassic deposits of the Holy Cross Mts., are very fragmentarily preserved, mostly because of Early Cretaceous uplift and erosion. They suggest an initial episode of complete drowning of the carbonate platform which became covered by marly deposits during the Early Tithonian, and the subsequent restoration of shallow-water carbonate sedimentation at the end of the Early Tithonian. 2024-03-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Volumina Jurassica Corbinites (Subfamily Lithacoceratinae), a new genus for the giant western Canadian Late Kimmeridgian or Tithonian (Late Jurassic) ammonite Titanites occidentalis Frebold 2024-02-19T09:07:58+00:00 Terence P. POULTON The finding of two new specimens and a reappraisal of the single original specimen of the problematic giant Canadian Late Jurassic ammonite Titanites occidentalis Frebold results in the creation of Corbinites, n. gen. It is assigned to the ataxioceratid subfamily Lithacoceratinae largely because of the presence of variocostate and previously unrecognized ataxioceratoid ribbing in middle and late growth stages. With enigmatic ancestry and geographically removed other forms with similar characteristics, the species may have been endemic in the relatively isolated early Alberta foreland basin of western interior Canada. 2024-02-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Volumina Jurassica A new species of Pseudhimalayites (Ammonitina, Aspidoceratoidea) from the Lower Tithonian of the Betic Range, Southern Spain 2023-10-04T15:23:01+00:00 Horacio Parent Enrique Ramos-Agustino Armin Scherzinger Günter Schweigert The Late Jurassic aspidoceratoid genus Pseudhimalayites Spath is scarcely recorded but widely distributed in the Andean basins, the Caribbean region, and in the European Tethys. From Ponti Zone (Lower Tithonian) rocks of the Betic Range in Carchelejo we describe here the new species Pseudhimalayites carchelejensis, based on a macroconch (female) holotype. The corresponding microconch (male), described from the same ammonite assemblage, would belong to the morphogenus Simocosmoceras Spath which groups the microconchs of Pseudhimalayites. P. carchelejensis n. sp. differs from the coeval Pseudhimalayites steinmanni (Haupt) by lacking ventral tubercles in the phragmocone and by bearing umbilical tubercles only from the adult whorl of the phragmocone. These differences illustrate a significant morphologic divergence between the Andean and the Tethyan lineages. 2023-10-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Volumina Jurassica Revised holostratigraphy of the Tithonian-Berriasian transition at Tré Maroua (Le Saix, Hautes-Alpes, SE France): Study of a rejected Berriasian GSSP candidate 2023-06-28T10:51:49+00:00 Bruno R.C. Granier Mohamed Benzaggagh Serge Ferry <p>The study of the Tithonian and lower Berriasian succession of Le Saix (Hautes-Alpes, France) has made it possible to better characterize the lithological succession at a former Berriasian GSSP candidate, its set of microfacies, the stratigraphic ranges of the main groups of marine plankton and therefore the calpionellid and saccocomid biozonations. On the lithological level, the Tithonian strata are characterized by thick-bedded breccias representing debris flows and related calciturbidites, whereas the Berriasian strata are typically white limestones. The lower part of the Berriasian is comprised of scattered intercalations of thin-bedded breccias and calciturbitides (including cryptic mud calciturbidites). In thin sections, the white limestones display mud- to wackestone textures and their allochems are mostly tiny bioclasts (e.g., radiolarians, calpionellids, saccocomids). Calciturbidites have wacke- to grainstone textures and their allochems are mostly pseudointraclasts and extraclasts, comprising various bioclasts and some ooids. Mud turbidites are made of micrograinstones some yielding almost exclusively well-sorted calpionellids, which were previously erroneously interpreted as the signature of “explosions” or “blooms” of Calpionella alpina. Breccias are mostly lithoclastic floatstones with a matrix similar to that of the calciturbidites. Their lithoclasts are either extraclasts sensu stricto, i.e., material derived from updip shallow-water areas, or pseudointraclasts representing reworked subautochthonous material, i.e., mud- and wackestone lithoclasts with radiolarians, saccocomids and/or calpionellids. Radiolarians are common over the whole studied interval. Saccocomids are part of the dominating biota reported from the lower and lower upper Tithonian interval whereas calpionellids replace them in the uppermost Tithonian to lower Berriasian interval. Minor planktonic groups comprise calcareous dinoflagellates and Globochaete alpina; Iranopsis nov. group is also present. Intervals with saccocomid sections characteristic of zones 4–5 and zone 6 are respectively ascribed here to the lower Tithonian (4–5) and the lower upper Tithonian (6). The biozonation of the calpionellid group sensu lato allows identification of i) the Boneti Subzone of the chitinoidellids, ii) the Crassicollaria Zone, more specifically its Tintinnopsella-Intermedia (A1), Intermedia-Alpina (A2) and Brevis-Massutiniana (A3) subzones, and iii) the Alpina Zone, with its Alpina-Parvula (B1) and its Alpina-Remaniella (B2) subzones. On the basis of biostratigraphical and sedimentological data, most zonal boundaries prove to be hiatal, located at the erosional base of breccia or turbidite layers whereas the Tithonian/Berriasian stage boundary appears to be located at a strike-slip fault plane in the Tré Maroua section.</p> 2023-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Volumina Jurassica News and Reviews – Jurassica XV, 19–22 September 2023 Iłża, Poland. First circular 2023-01-09T13:07:59+00:00 Volumina Jurassica - 2023-01-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Volumina Jurassica Phylogeny of the ammonite family Aulacostephanidae Spath, 1924 during the Late Oxfordian and the Early Kimmeridgian in Europe: Main lineages, patterns of evolution and sedimentological to palaeogeographical controls on evolutionary development 2022-10-25T08:06:38+00:00 Andrzej Wierzbowski The evolutionary history of the Aulacostephanidae presented here includes the interval of about 5 Ma of the Late Oxfordian and Early Kimmeridgian ranging from the origin of the family to is maximal development. The development and biogeographical distribution of aulacostephanids in Europe were related mostly to sea-level changes and tectonics. The appearance of the ancestor genus Decipia and the following genus Ringsteadia was controlled by marine transgressions during the Late Oxfordian which stimulated also the distribution of these ammonites in Subboreal and Submediterranean Europe. The main faunal turnover at the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary was related to allopatric speciation correlated to separation of the aulacostephanid assemblages: it resulted in the appearance of the main Ringsteadia–Pictonia–Rasenia lineage in NW Subboreal Europe and the side-lineages Ringsteadia–Vielunia–Eurasenia/Involuticeras and Ringsteadia–Vineta–Balticeras–Rasenioides in NE Subboreal and Central Submediterranean Europe. A strong development of the shallow-water carbonate platforms during the Early Kimmeridgian stimulated the development of still another Pictonia (Pomerania) – Rasenia (Pachypictonia) lineage. The main faunal turnover correlated to a large transgression at the end of the Early Kimmeridgian resulted in the sudden distribution of the new aulacostephanid faunas over large areas of northern and central Europe, and opened a new stage in the evolutionary development of the family. 2022-10-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Volumina Jurassica