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Author Guidelines


Volumina Jurassica is published in English. The length of the manuscript should not exceed 60 normal­ized pages, including references, illustrations and tables. The author(s) should clearly state their name(s), addresses (unabbreviated), and e-mail on the title page.

The manuscript should include an abstract, key words (5–7) and references. The manuscript (in MS Word) should be prepared in A4 format with a 3 cm left margin and 1.5 line-spacing, single column. Paragraphs must be separated by a 1 cm indentation, and the text must be without right-margin justification and hyphenation. Use a common, plain font e.g. Times New Roman 12 pt., and number text pages consecutively. Use SI units only. Citation of references must be placed in parentheses with the author’s last name and year of publication e.g. (Wright, 2010; Matyja, Wierzbowski, 2006; Matyja et al., 2006). The heading hierarchy should include at most three levels. Headings should be numbered consecutively, in Arabic numerals, as follows: first level headings – 1, 2, etc.; second level headings – 1.1, 1.2, etc.; third level headings – 1.1.1, 1.1.2, etc. Figure captions should be prepared separately. The main body text should not include tables and illustrations.


This should be short, concise and informative, but it should indicate the main subject of study, and its area (country).


The abstract should not exceed 300 words. It should report briefly the methods, results and conclusions con­tained in the work. Literature citations in the abstract are allowed only exceptionally.

Key words

After the abstract, list 5–7 key words that describe the subject matter of the work.


References should include literature cited both in the text and in the explanations of figures. References should be listed at the end of the main text alphabetically by senior author. Do not abbreviate journal names. Give the names of editors of symposium volumes and of edited books. For books it is necessary to give the publisher’s name and place of pubulication. References in non-Latin alphabets must be transliterated.


Article in a journal

WRIGHT J.K., 2010 – The Aulacostephanidae (Ammonoidea) of the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary beds (Upper Jurassic) of southern England. Palaeontology, 53, 1: 11–52.

MATYJA B.A., WIERZBOWSKI A., WRIGHT J.K., 2006 – The Sub-Boreal/Boreal ammonite succession at the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary at Flodigarry, Staffin Bay (Isle of Skye), Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 96: 387–405.

Article in edited book

CALLOMON J.H., COPE J.C.W., 1995 – The Jurassic geology of Dorset. In: Field geology of the British Jurassic (Ed. P.D. Taylor): 51–104. Geological Society, London.

Book and monograph

COE A.L., BOSENCE D.W.J., CHURCH K.D., FLINT S.S., HOWELL J.A., WILSON R.C.L., 2005 – The sedimentary record of sea-level change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Paper presented at meeting

MATYJA B.A., WIERZBOWSKI A., 2006 – Field trip B1. Stops B1.10–13. Quarries at Raciszyn and Lisowice, Upper Oxfordian ammonite succession (upper Bimammatum to Planula zones). In: Jurassic of Poland and adjacent Slovakian Carpathians (eds A. Wierzbowski et al.). Field trip guide book: 163–165. 7th International Congress on the Jurassic System, 6–18 September 2006, Kraków. Polish Geological Institute, Warszawa.

Foreign languages

USTINOVA M.A., 2009 – Zonalnoye rozchlenienye oksfordsko-kimeridgzkikh otlozhenij po foraminiferam razreza Mikhalenino (Kostromskaya oblast), 36. In: Materyali sobranya sekcji MOIP “Paleostrat – 2009”, 26–27.01.2009, Moskva [in Russian].


These must be short and concise to acknowledge the persons (and institutions) who helped in preparation of the study; also the financial support and/or the name of programme within which the study has been prepared.

Explanations to figures, plates and tables

In style following the latest issues of Volumina Jurassica.


Tables should be prepared as separate files in MS Word format (A4 maximum).


Originals of drawings should be submitted in CDR or AI format and photographs in TIFF, PSD or CPT for­mat. Photographs and bitmaps should be high-resolution (the minimum resolution: colour bitmaps – 300 dpi, grayscale – 600 dpi, line art – 1200 dpi). The maximum publication size of illustrations is 175—220 mm. Explanations of graphic elements (map patterns, symbols, etc.) should be included on figures. Where appropriate, all figures (maps, etc.) must have a scale bar.

Figures, plates as well as tables must be successively numbered and quoted as Fig./Figs, Pl./ Pls (figures in plates quoted as Pl. 1: 7) and Tab./ Tabs when belonging to this paper; when the quotation refers to the figures/plates/tables of another paper they should be indicated as fig./pl./tab., respectively.

Illustrations are usually reduced in size for publication; thus, lettering must be large enough to permit reduction of up to 30 or even 50 percent. All illustrations should bear the name(s) of the author(s) and the figure number. The approximate position of text-figures and tables should be indicated in the manuscript margin.

Although it is possible to publish colour illustrations as well as scanned photographs, they can be accepted only in exceptional circumstances in the paper edition.


Authors are asked to provide in their cover letter names and contact details of at least 4 possible reviewers to speed up the review process. The reviewers must not be colleagues with whom the authors done research or published papers during the last 5 years. A maximum of two reviewers should be working in the same country. The editorial team of the Volumina Jurassica journal may not use authors’ suggestions and choose other non-listed and experienced referees.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

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