Editorial Policies

Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

All articles fulfilling the editorial requirements of Volumina Jurassica are fully peer reviewed by qualified, independent reviewers, and by the Editorial Board members, too. Author(s) submitting their manuscripts are requested to propose at least three possible reviewers, but the final choice of reviewers is up to the Editor. Each reviewer should be suitably qualified to review the study, and should not be in a close working relationship with the author(s) (i.e. there should not be conflict of interest involved). Any scientist who an author wishes to exclude as a potential candidate for reviewer should be indicated with the reason given for such an exclusion. The manuscripts should be submitted to the Volumina Jurassica editors via e-mail: volumina.jurassica@pgi.gov.pl. Electronic submission is preferred and is sufficient. At the end of 2018 the system of web-based submission of manuscripts and their review system will be introduced and will be obligatory.

Any manuscripts received for review must be treated as confidential documents. Privileged information/ideas obtained by reviewers through the peer review process must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate, and the review should be conducted objectively. All suggestions and comments should be followed with supporting arguments.

The manuscripts will be examined normally by two reviewers. Before sending the manuscript, Volumina Jurassica will ask the reviewer about the possibility of the preparation of an opinion. The procedure from submitting the manuscript to receiving the opinion of the reviewer should take normally one month, but not take longer than 2 months. The opinion of the referee becomes anonymous, unless the reviewer agrees to give his/her name. The editors will inform the author (or corresponding author) of the opinions of the reviewers – and provide their report along with the editorÂ’s comments (if necessary). The authors have 4 weeks to submit a revised version of the manuscript after receiving reviews. The accepted manuscripts are subject to English stylistic improvements (if necessary). The accepted manuscripts are send to the author (corresponding author) who is requested to submit the final revised manuscript within one week. Manuscripts accepted for publication after improvements by the authors, are immediately presented on the web-site of Volumina Jurassica as papers ready to print, and published in the forthcoming volume or its part.

Volumina Jurassica presents also discussions and comments relating to papers published in the journal. The editors will send a copy of the discussion/comment to the authors of the paper for the preparation of their reply.

In the case of any doubts as to the formal editors requirements, authors are asked to contact the editorial office.


Open Access Policy

Articles published in Volumina Jurassica are freely available for anyone to access and view under an open access publishing model. An author may voluntarily re-use his own version of the article submitted to the journal (pre-print) or the version accepted for publishing (post-print) on his own personal website or institutional repository. All papers published in Volumina Jurassica are published under a CC-BY licence (CC-BY 4.0). Published materials can be shared (copying and redistribution of the material in any medium or format) and adapted (remixed, transformed, and built upon the material for any purpose, even commercially) with specification of the author(s). The papers of the all issues of Volumina Jurassica are freely accessible on the web-site: https://voluminajurassica.org. Also on the same web-site are accessible the papers of the forthcoming issue as papers “ready to print”. Paper copies of Volumina Jurassica including several archive issues are accessible: Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, 4, Rakowiecka Street, 00-975 Warsaw, Poland.