Molluscan immigrations via biogeographical ecotone of the Middle Russian Sea during the Jurassic


  • Mikhail ROGOV
  • Viktor ZAKHAROV
  • Dimitry KISELEV


paleobiogeography, paleobiology, ecotone, Middle-Late Jurassic, Middle Russian Sea, stratigraphy, immigrational paterns


Patterns of molluscan immigration via the biogeographical ecotone zone of the Middle Russian Sea during the Middle – Late Jurassic have been studied in detail. Firstly, the migration routes and ranges of recent molluscs are briefly reviewed, with some comments about their applicability to the Jurassic. Secondly, the migrational events have been classified by their direction, duration and intensivity. We recognize two main types of immigration by their direction (unidirectional and multidirectional) and by their intensity (mass immigrations and isolated strayings). Recent progress in infrazonal ammonite biostratigraphy leads us to the more precise recognition of paleobiogeographical events and to the understanding of the immigration patterns that can produce more precise correlations.



